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Kids and Animals: Art Exibit at Moscow's Darwin Museum or can a 2-year-old kid paint a bullfinch?

Kids and Animals - Dima Markushin at www.interconsul.narod.ruMake sure that it's possible, here is an illustration above showing the children's art. The picture, that is far from usual children's scribbles, was drawn by Dima Markushin aged 2. It's fantastic that such a toddler can express a real bird, wind and cold, thus filling the picture with emotions...

Russia's Central Scientific Agricultural Library Celebrates 80th Anniversary

Agricultural Library in Moscow - http://www.interconsul.narod.ru Eight decades ago, in July of 1930, a Branch Reference Library affiliated to the USSR Agricultural Academy was set up to support the research and practical activities. Later on, the Reference collection grew into the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL) which is currently celebrating the 80th anniversary. During its lifetime, alongside with the national events the CSAL has faced the periods of great success and great difficulties, now thanks to the management and the staff it remains to be the federal centre of information and training...


Первый Всемирный конгресс по коммуникациям в интересах развития человечества

В Риме (Италия) в период с 25 по 27 октября 2006 г. Всемирный банк совместно с Коммуникационной инициативой и Программой по продовольствию ООН (FAO) при поддержке Би-Би-Си и ряда других организаций проводит 1-й Всемирный Конгресс по коммуникациям в интересах развития (World Congress on Communication for Development). В качестве принимающей стороны выступает Министерство иностранных дел Италии...